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Victoria Elementary School

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School Family Compact Page

As a student I realize that my education is important to me. It helps me develop tools I need to become a
happy and productive person. I also understand my parent(s)/guardian want to help me do my very best in
school. I know I am the one responsible for my own success and that I must work hard to achieve it; therefore,
I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:

  1. Attend school everyday on time and be ready to listen and learn;
  2. Put forth my best effort on all classroom assignments and homework;
  3. Complete and return assignments and homework on time;
  4. Behave appropriately and obey school rules;
  5. Set aside a regular study time, limit TV watching and screen time, and read instead;
  6. Be respectful to adults, classmates, my school, and myself;
  7. Listen and learn from the weekly SEL lessons, PeaceBuilder Pledge, Tiger Expectations and practice resolving conflicts in a non-violent manner.

As a parent/guardian, I realize that my child’s school years are very important, and I understand that my
participation in my child’s education will support his/her academic achievement and attitude toward learning; therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:

  1. Respect school staff and the cultural differences of others;
  2. Ensure my child arrives to school everyday on time ready to learn;
  3. Have high expectations for my child’s learning and personal conduct;
  4. Express to my child the importance of education and to do his/her best work daily;
  5. Communicate with my child’s teacher and attend scheduled conferences;
  6. Reinforce the school's Code of Student Conduct (Campus Agreements & Responsibilities);
  7. Limit TV watching and screen time and encourage my child to read each day; with me, to me, or to self;
  8. Provide a quiet place at home for my child to do homework and make sure work is done;
  9. Help my child learn to resolve conflicts in a non-violent manner and promote The PeaceBuilder Pledge.

As a teacher, I understand the importance of the school experience for every student and my role as a teacher and model; therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:

  1. Have high expectations for myself and all students;
  2. Provide a safe environment (physically and emotionally) for learning;
  3. Strive to be aware of the individual needs of each child;
  4. Promote social, emotional, and academic growth of all students;
  5. Respect the cultural differences of others;
  6. Work with families to support students' learning and respect the cultural differences of others;
  7. Prepare motivating, challenging, and interesting learning experiences to engage my students;
  8. Provide instruction in all areas determined by the State of California and the Redlands USD;
  9. Help my students to learn from the SEL curriculum, and learn to resolve conflicts in a non-violent manner.