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Victoria Elementary School

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SSC Bylaws

Victoria Elementary School 

SSC Bylaws


Notice of Nondiscrimination

In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and California law, Education Code §200 et seq., Bakersfield City School District prohibits unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying against individuals, including, but not limited to, District employees and job applicants on the basis of actual or perceived characteristics of race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identifications, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information; or any other characteristic identified in Education Code 200 or 220, Penal Code 422.55, or Government Code 11135, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics in its services, programs, or activities. Anyone who wishes to file a complaint alleging discrimination on one of the above basis in the provision of services, programs, or activities by the District may do so by contacting Human Resources at (661) 631-4663, 1300 Baker St., Bakersfield, CA 93305.


The school site council of Victoria elementary school, is hereinafter referred to as the council, shall carry out the following duties:

  • Develop and approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement

  • Obtain recommendations for the proposed Single Plan for Student Achievement from all stake holders and any applicable school advisory committees (Ed Code 64001)

  • Develop and approve the plan and related expenditures in accordance with all state and federal laws and regulations.

  • Recommend the plan and expenditures to the governing board for approval.

  • Provide ongoing review of the implementation of the plan with the principal, teachers, and other school staff members.

  • Make modifications to the plan whenever the need arises.

  • Submit the modified plan for governing board approval whenever a material change is made in planned activities or related expenditures.

  • Annually evaluate the progress made toward school goals to raise the academic achievement of all students.

  • Carry out all other duties assigned to the council by the district governing board and by state law.


Section A.   Composition (EC 52012, 52852 and 54724)

The council shall be composed of the following members, the principal, teachers elected by other teachers, other school personnel elected by other school personnel, parents and/or community members elected by other parents.  Classroom teachers are the majority on the school staff side. Each member has equal voting rights.  


At an elementary level, the council shall be constituted to ensure parity.  Half of the membership shall be (a) principal, classroom teachers and other school personnel (staff side); and half shall be (b) parents, or other community members elected by the parents (parent side).  The council will be made up of no fewer than 10 members.


Parent/Community Members

A parent is a person who is a mother, father, or legal guardian of a student attending a particular school, but who is not employed at the school attended by such student.

Council members chosen to represent parents may be employees of the school district so long s they are not employed at this school site (EC 52852 and 54722)


A community member is defined as an adult who resides or spends the major portion of each work day within the attendance area of the school, and who is neither a regular day-school student, nor a parent, a member of the staff, administration, or classified staff of the school with which the council is affiliated.


Teacher Members

A teacher is defined as an employee of the school whose duties require him/her to provide direct instruction to the pupils for the full time for which he/she is employed (EC 33150).


Other School Personnel

Other school personnel are defined as a person who does not provide direct instruction to pupils for the full time for which he/she is employed.  This category may include classified staff, non-classroom teachers, and administrative staff other than the principal.


The Victoria School SSC will be composed of 10 members:

(10 member council)

1- the school principal

3- classroom teachers

1- “other” school staff member

5- parent/community members

Section B:  Elections

Teacher nomination and elections:

A nomination notice will be provided at the beginning of the year informing teachers of the need for new teacher members on SSC and requesting interested teachers to submit their names to be put on a ballot. Once names have been received, a ballot will be made and provided to all teachers. Teachers will mark ballot for their choice of new teacher SSC members and return the ballot to school office. Ballots will be tallied. The teacher(s) with the most votes will become the SSC teacher members.

 “Other” Staff nomination and elections:

A nomination notice will be provided at the beginning of the year informing “other” staff member of the need for new “other” staff member on SSC and requesting interested staff to submit their names to be put on a ballot. Once names have been received, a ballot will be made and provided to all “other” staff.  Staff will mark ballot for their choice of new “other” staff SSC member and return the ballot to school office. Ballots will be tallied. The “other” staff with the most votes will become the SSC “other” staff member.

Parent nomination and elections:

Option 1- A notice will be sent/emailed home at the beginning of the year with students informing parents of the need for new parent members on SSC and requesting interested parents to submit their names to be put on a ballot (e-ballot/paper). Once names have been received, a ballot will be made and sent home with the students. Parents will mark ballot for their choice of new parent SSC members and return the ballot to school. Ballots will be tallied. The parents with the most votes will become the SSC parent members. An announcement of the new parent SSC members will be made in the principal announcement and documented in School Site Council meeting minutes.


Option 2- A notice will be sent/emailed home at the beginning of the year with students informing parents of the need for new parent members on SSC and requesting interested parents to submit their names to be put on a ballot . Once names have been received, a ballot (e-ballot/paper) will be made. A second notice will be sent home with students, announcing a meeting to be held (Back to School Night or special meeting), where elections will be held for new SSC parent members.  At the meeting parents who agreed to have their names put on the ballot will be introduced. Then all parents in attendance will receive a ballot and be instructed to vote for their choice of SSC parent members. Ballots will be tallied. The parents with the most votes will become the SSC parent members. An announcement of the new parent SSC members will be made in the school newsletter and documented in School Site Council meeting minutes.


Section C:  Term of office

Council members shall be elected for 2 year term.  If the term is for two years, half or the nearest approximation thereof, of each representative group shall be elected during odd years, and the remaining shall number elected during even years.  At the first regular meeting of the council, each member’s current term of office shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. 


*Specify whether members may serve consecutive terms if elected: 

Council members may serve two consecutive terms Or

Council members may not serve consecutive terms

Section D:  Voting Rights

Each member is entitled to one vote and may cast that vote on any matter within the jurisdiction of the council.  Absentee nor phone-in ballots shall not be permitted. Voting by proxy is not permitted. Voting members in attendance via Zoom the day of a scheduled meeting may also cast their vote. 

Section E: Termination of Membership

  1. Any elected member may terminate his or her membership by submitting a written letter of resignation to the council chairperson. 

  2. Any elected member may be terminated due to excessive absences (3 consecutive missed meetings is considered excessive absences). 

  3. The council may, by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting, suspend or expel a member.  

Section F.  Transfer of membership

Membership on the council may not be assigned or transferred.

Section G:  Vacancy

Any vacancy on the council occurring during the term of a duly elected member shall be filled by the next voted candidate from fall election or by regular election if candidate list is exhausted.  Replacement member(s) will fill the remainder of the term of the vacant seat.




Section A: Officers

The officers of the council shall be:  chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, and other officers the council may deem desirable.  All officers are elected by the entire membership of the SSC.

Section B - Duties of Officers

The chairperson shall:

  • Preside at all meetings of the council

  • Sign all letters, reports and other communications of the council

  • Perform all duties corresponding to the office of chairperson.

  • Have other such duties as are prescribed by the council


The vice-chairperson shall:

  • Represent the chairperson in assigned duties

  • Substitute for the chairperson in his or her absence


The secretary shall:

  • Keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the council.

  • Transmit true and correct copies of the minutes of such meetings to members of the council.

  • Perform other such duties as are assigned by the chairperson or the council

Section C: - Election and Term of Office

The officers shall be elected annually, at the first meeting of the council after SSC elections, and shall serve for one year, or until each successor has been elected.  

Section D: Removal of Officers

Any officer may be removed from their office by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting.

Section E: - Vacancy

A vacancy in any office shall be filled at the earliest opportunity by a special election of the council, for the remaining portion of the term of office.



Section A: Sub-committees

The council may establish and abolish sub-committees of their own membership to perform duties as requested by the council.  At least one member representing teachers and one member representing parents shall make up the sub-committee.  No sub-committee may exercise the authority of the school site council.


Section B. Sub-committee Membership

Unless otherwise determined by the council, the council chairperson may appoint members of standing or special committees.  A vacancy on a committee shall be filled by appointment made by the chairperson.


Section C:  Sub-committee Term of Office

The council shall determine the terms of office for members of a committee.


Section D:  Sub-committee Quorum

A quorum is simple majority (half the committee plus one, unless otherwise stated in the Bylaws). The act of a majority of members present shall be the act of the committee, provided a quorum is in attendance.


Section A: Meetings

The council shall meet regularly on the 4th Wednesday of each school month. There are some exceptions.  The dates of SSC meetings for this year will be distributed at the first or second SSC meeting. The chairperson may call special meetings of the council by majority vote of the council.  All meetings must be open to the public.


Section B:  Place of meetings

The council shall hold its regular meetings at a facility provided by the school, unless such facility accessible to the public, including handicapped persons, is unavailable.  Alternate meeting places may be determined by the chairperson or by majority vote of the council. 


Section C:  Notice of meetings

Written public notice shall be given of all meetings at least 72 hours in advance of meeting.  Notice of meeting shall be delivered to council and committee members no less than seventy-two hours personally or by mail (or e-mail).


Section D:  Quorum

A quorum is simple majority (half the committee plus one). The act of a majority of members present shall be the act of the committee, provided a quorum is in attendance.


Section E:  Administrative responsibility

The principal shall have the responsibility for the proper function and implementation of the SSC.


Section F. Conduct of meetings

Meetings of the council shall be conducted in accordance to the rules of order established by EC Section 3147 (c), and with Roberts Rules of Order or an adaptation thereof approved by the council.


Section G:  Meetings open to the public (Open Forum)

All meetings of the council and committees established by the council, shall be open to the public.  Notice of such meetings shall be provided in accordance with Section C of this article. Public may address the council during Open Forum (Ed. Code 54954.3[b]). 


Examples of time limits:

  1. The public may address the council during Open Forum for a maximum of 10 minutes per subject and a maximum of two minutes per speaker.

  2. The time length of Open Forum will be no more than ten minutes as determined by the council.

  3. The time considered for each topic in Open Forum will be limited to 5 minutes


Section H:  Agenda for regular meetings

Regular meeting agendas must contain a brief general description of each matter to be considered or discussed and must be posted at least 72 hour prior to meeting.  Members of the School Site Council and members of the public may request that a matter within the jurisdiction of the council be placed on the agenda of a regular meeting (Ed. Code 35145.5). Request must be in writing and submitted to the designee with supporting documents and information, if any; at least 2 weeks before the scheduled meeting date.


An amendment of these bylaws may be made at any regular meeting of the council by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting.  Written notice of proposed amendment must be submitted to council members at least 2 days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered for adoption.


Revision & SSC approval: Thursday, September 15, 2022